In this episode I talk to a woman who went from homeless at 17 to becoming a millionaire at 23, Dani Johnson. Dani has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Secret Millionaire. Also featured in the show is music by Ekklesia. Check it out and why not leave me a comment.

Everyone has a unique life story to share – but initially, Dani Johnson’s looked to be made up of hardships and challenge. Growing up on welfare, she was pregnant at just 17 and homeless at 21. Life seemed like a closed book.

But that was hardly the end of Dani’s story.

Instead of accepting what life had scripted for her, Dani rewrote her own playbook, chapter by chapter – and by 23 she was a millionaire. In the years since, the tale has just gotten better: Today, Dani Johnson owns five companies, is a best-selling author and internationally desired speaker – and is passionately committed to her husband Hans and five children, and her journey with God. Just recently, Dani appeared as a guest star on The Oprah Winfrey Show and ABC’s TV show “Secret Millionaire.”

But Dani isn’t secretive about how others can transform their lives. Her unique success strategies have empowered and equipped thousands with the knowledge and skills she has learned to achieve what appears to be simply impossible. Dani’s clients include everyone from high-level executives to stay-at-home parents, and she’s helped them:

  • become debt-free
  • earn much-deserved promotions
  • rack up significant salary increases
  • raise their sales and profits
  • improve relationships
  • go on to earn six- and seven-figure incomes
  • train Kentucky Derby-winning thoroughbreds

Well, perhaps not that last one. Yet if that’s what a client wanted, Dani would find a way to help them make it happen – because she goes the extra mile, consulting, mentoring and coaching individuals from all walks of life, career and achievement paths.

Do your goals include:

  • personal achievement?
  • business growth?
  • leadership development?
  • marketing and profit strategies?
  • relationship guidance?
  • time management improvement?
  • wealth attainment?
  • spiritual issues?

Dani Johnson’s life experiences, wisdom and teachings help people break through barriers that stop them from feeling free to make their dreams happen in all of those areas – and she can help you, too. As president and founder of Call to Freedom International, a personal achievement and corporate training company, and as co-founder of King’s Ransom Foundation, a non-profit charity dedicated to serving people in need worldwide, Dani will help you learn to write the next chapters in your life story.