How To Use YouTube To Boost Your TV Presenting/Talk Show Host Career

Being a TV presenter or a talk show host is something a lot of people desire. It is quite something to be able to host a show and become famous the way Oprah Winfrey, Jay Leno and Ellen Degeneres have become. However, it is also true that there is a one in a million chance of someone hitting the jackpot and getting selected to present a top show.

The hurdle most people face in their dream to become a TV presenter is how difficult it is to get selected to host or present a show. But then what comes easy in life? 

To get selected to become a talk show host there are some qualities producers seek and a lot of people underestimate the boost hosting a YouTube channel can give to help you gain a career in TV hosting and presenting.

So let me show you some of the ways hosting a YouTube channel can take you a step closer to getting your dream job.

Education and Experience

When it comes to TV presenting and hosting a talk show, there’s very little need for school degrees. Although having a degree, especially in communications and journalism, can put you ahead of your competition, experience can also hugely boost your chances. Hosting a YouTube channel gives you this experience by teaching you how to address to an audience, who in this case are your YouTube subscribers.


You need an interesting personality for a TV show to keep the viewers entertained. This is because there are many shows which often involve the camera being focused on the presenter the majority of the time. Hosting a YouTube channel can help you to showcase your personality but don’t forget that personality also involves the way you speak and the way you walk, dress and present yourself! 


Determination is a trait you must have if you want to become a talk show host or a TV presenter. The hard truth is that these kind of jobs aren’t easy to find and there are going to be a lot of competitors in the process. On YouTube there are thousands (if not millions) of hosts and some of them will have similar channels to yours yet you must remain determined, keep on posting and trying to build your channel as you never know when a TV producer just might spot you online.


Viewers on YouTube love watching channels where people are passionate and enthusiastic about what they are talking about. Producers of TV shows want someone who can infuse energy into a show and keep the viewer entertained. On YouTube there are obviously a variety of channels your viewers and subscribers can easily watch but if you infuse enthusiasm into your videos to keep them hooked and entertained producers will definitely be impressed by this during auditions.

You can use YouTube as more than just an entertainment platform. It is a great way to sharpen your presenting and hosting skills and with some perseverance and determination, you just never know who might be watching!

Want to become a talk show host/TV presenter? Want to start a YouTube channel to showcase your skills? Now you can download a FREE report giving you great tips on how to start a YouTube channel in order to become a TV presenter. Visit for more information.